
We are a nonprofit organization with an international membership of over 1,800 health professionals, lay members of the community (Community Health Advocates), corporate members, and institutional members, dedicated to eliminating the disparities related to cardiovascular disease in all people of color.

Cassandra A. McCullough, MBA | CEO/Executive Director | 202-600-4353 |

Katrese Phelps-McCullum | Program Director (CME/Membership/Community Programs) | 646-599-1925 |

Yvette Lee | Executive Assistant | 202-680-3424 |

Tierra Dillenburg | Project Manager (Committees, Special Projects) | 347-452-4818 |

Denise Brooking | Operations Support Specialist | 202-600-4354 |

Uzoma Onukwubiri, MPH | Research Coordinator | 202-600-4352 |