Take Control of Your Heart Failure – Patient Tools and Resources

The Heart Failure community, including professional societies and patient advocacy organizations, have created many resources and tools to support Heart Failure patients and their caregivers. Here, you can find resources collected from the community through the Multi-stakeholder Summit* to help you take control of your journey after being diagnosed with Heart Failure and leaving the hospital.
The Patient Empowerment Tool designed for HF patients, highlights several key rights patients should know and offers high-level guidance to support self-care management and empowerment upon hospital discharge.
Patient-Empowerment-Tool (Brochure+Resources) (FINAL)
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Persons with Heart Failure: As a patient with heart failure, it is important to be extra mindful in monitoring your health during this time, particularly as you enter a hospital and/or are discharged to your home or other facility.
Patient Empowerment Tool COVID-19 Addendum 05.05.20 (Final)